miércoles, 2 de julio de 2014


¡Ya metí mi sueño en el Toyota Get Going Challenge!
¿Quieren saber cuál es mi sueño? Tiene mucho que ver con lo del manga y el anime japonés: Producción de Animación y Creación de Cómics. Para eso yo estoy apuntando, y solo pido a Dios que me dé fuerza y valor para alcanzar ese sueño... y que les alumbre a todos ustedes para que me den el voto.
Aquí está el sitio Web del desafío. Animo a quienes tienen sus planes para ser lo que quieren ser, a que inscriban su sueño en ese sitio. Es muy fácil, y solo tomará algunos minutos llenar el formulario... si siguen bien las instrucciones y piensan qué van a escribir en los espacios grandes y en los pequeños.

Foto: <Introducing Dreams>He wants to be a rapper and use his income to build a school.

Newly decided the 2nd Challenger... The Get Going Challenge. 

Let's introduce one of the inspiring dreams posted on the site! "To become a solo rapper and release a hip-hop album for sale. 33% of the total sales received will then be donated to the Department of Education for construction of 9 schools in Haiti." A post from a man living in Haiti, he is currently thinking of ways to create connections and market his album to materialize his dream and contribute back to his homeland. With the process of his dream mentioned detailedly, his enthusiasm to become famous can be felt. For the sake of his children, he will surely be success as a rapper in the world!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! http://getgoing-toyota.com/?utm_source=fb-Global-20140702-011-02&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=facebook

Por ejemplo, este aspirante a músico tiene planes para construir escuelas en su país natal, Haití. Recuerden que ese país es uno de los más pobres del mundo.

Foto: The 2nd Get Going Challenger is Francisco from Chile!

The Get Going Challenge supports people working toward their dreams.The 2nd Challenger is Francisco from Chile. His dream is to be a professional animator and create children's animation that shows how precious our Earth is. His new challenges and support from TOYOTA will begin soon! Look for his report to be released in mid-August.

Go and post your life's dream to get a chance like Francisco.

El sueño de Francisco, el chileno, es idéntico al mío... BUONO! en parte. Como animador profesional, quiere crear animaciones para enseñarles a los niños cómo cuidar nuestro planeta.

Foto: <Introducing Dreams> She wants to be a travel writer.

Newly uploaded a video of the support given to the 1st Challenger... The Get Going Challenge. http://bit.ly/U0AbRC Let's introduce one of the inspiring dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a woman in Singapore. "To become a writer who will give everyone an opportunity to know more about the world." With that dream in mind, she has created a website of her own, where she has started posting her works. Taking steady steps one at a time, the effort she puts into chasing her dream will surely be the biggest strength in granting her wish!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

Para darles la oportunidad a gente de escasos recursos para viajar por el mundo, esta mujer de Singapur abrió su propio sitio Web donde publica sus reportes. Su oferta es quizás la más emotiva...

Foto: <Introducing Dreams> He wants everyone to have a place to call home

8 more challengers to get support from the Get Going Challenge. 
Let's introduce one of the inspiring dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a man in Malaysia. A dream as an architect who can build long-lasting, practical and affordable homes. Now working in a construction company, he dreams of being able to build homes that both the affluent and destitute can afford. We hope that someday, this idea of his will come true.

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

Otro sueño inspirador que les llegó desde Malasia: un joven arquitecto que desea construir viviendas para los pobres de su país.

Foto: <Introducing Dreams>
She wants to open a music studio.

We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams from many of the dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a woman in Philippines.

"My long cherished dream is to open a personal studio where I can both practice and record." With this dream in mind, she gives away free music lessons to kids in the space of her own home. It seems like sharing the joy of music and conveying it to young ones is also part of her dream.

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

Otra mujer, esta vez de Filipinas, quiere crear su propio estudio de grabación.

Foto: <Introducing dreams>
 She wants to be a female interior designer. 

We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams from many of the dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a woman in Ghana.  
Ever since she was a child, her dream is to become a world-class female interior designer. She has earned her Architecture and Art degree from university and although there is no interior designing program in Ghana, she is now preparing to learn at a university in the US.  If you don't give up, your dreams will surely come true.

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

Desde Ghana les llegó el sueño de esta diseñadora de interiores.

Foto: <Introducing dreams>
He wants to keep creating art with just one pencil

We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams from many of the dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a man in Jamaica. 
“Bringing back passion of real art in Jamaica”. He has already published some of his artworks on Facebook. He learned to draw by himself and continues to do so only using pencils.
He wants to tell people that even with only one pencil, anything can be achieved with effort. Click the VOTE button and suppport him if you like his dream!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

La mano que empuña este lápiz pertenece a un jamaiquino cuyo sueño es traer el arte de nuevo a la tierra de los rastafaris.

Foto: <Introducing dreams>
He wants to have his own cafe in Mauritius.

We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams from many of the dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a man in Mauritius. 
“Opening a cafe where anyone can visit in Mauritius”. A dream born from experience working at a 5-Star Restaurant, he is now saving up money and preparing for his dream by working night shifts at a call center. If you put in that much effort to reach your dreams, they will surely come true.  

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support!

Este hombre de Mauricio ha estado ahorrando mucho para abrir un café donde todos puedan convivir en paz.

Foto: <Introducing dreams> My dream since I was little was to be a Hollywood star

This post is from a young woman in Ecuador who watched her mother act and who has dreamt of becoming a Hollywood star since she was 7. She studied art and music at university and now works as a live performer and musician while continuing to look for ways to get support and find opportunities as an actress. Her hard work is sure to pay off one day. 

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! 

Una ecuatoriana quiere ser estrella de Hollywood.

Foto: <Introducing dreams> I want to be a leading cricket player in my country.

Today, we're introducing a young man from Sri Lanka who wants to be a professional cricket player! His father was his first coach. He's training like crazy to achieve his dream–becoming the pride of his parents and his home country, Sri Lanka! Wouldn't it be great if he became a pro someday? What's your dream? Please post it on the website!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! 

De Sri Lanka les llegó el sueño de un jugador novato de cricket.

Foto: <Introducing dreams> 
He wants to study architecture to give needy people their own homes! 

We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams from the more than 3,500 dreams posted on the site! Today's dream is from a man in Colombia.
He wants to use alternative building materials to make homes affordable–even for people in dire poverty–and fundamentally change the concept of homebuilding in Colombia. He's studied architecture in the UK and is learning about alternative materials to build homes cheaply. His hard work is sure to make a difference one day!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! 

El uso de materiales alternativos en la construcción de casas en Colombia es el sueño de este otro joven.

Foto: <Introducing dreams> Introducing some of the more than 3,500 dreams posted!

The Get Going Challenge has been going for 4 weeks. We're sharing some of the inspiring dreams posted on the site. First up is a post from a woman in Uganda.
Her dream is to open a daycare center and preschool in her town. She wants to create Uganda's first preschool providing free schooling. Right now she's working as an administrative assistant and saving money for her dream. Click the VOTE button if you like her dream!

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! 

En Uganda hay otra visionaria que quiere construir escuelas y centros de cuidado en su ciudad.

Foto: The 1st Get Going Challenger is Li Ke from China!

Li Ke from China is receiving support for her dream of becoming a global top model. What is the story behind her dream? Find out now! 
REPORTS http://getgoing-toyota.com/challenge/reports/ 

Post your dream for the chance to get this amazing support! 

Y esta china quiere ser una modelo profesional.

Foto: Must-see introduction movie! “Now, What’s Your Dream?” 

Young people around the world imagine their dreams coming true one after another! The introduction movie communicates the Get Going Challenge concept and asks you, “Now, what’s your dream?” 
INTRODUCTION MOVIE  http://getgoing-toyota.com/videos/introMovie

Post your dream for the chance to make it come true! 

Y así se van acumulando miles de sueños por todo el mundo... lo más triste del asunto, es que solo 9 afortunados lo lograrán. Por suerte, aún están a tiempo: el concurso termina el 31 de octubre de este año, y se están acabando los puestos. ¿Qué esperan? Quizás algún día su nombre aparezca en las principales revistas y en los noticieros del mundo...


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